My name is Amber and I'm a wife, mother, friend, sister, aunt, cousin, neighbor, and all around amazing woman! There I was, a little over 1 year ago and I was lost... I had just had 2 babies in 2 years, became a stay at home mom, moved from the city out to the country, was in the process of renovating an old house, and my husband was working 14 hour days. Have any of you ever found yourself lost? It's a journey to find ourselves again and for me, was one of the most important ones in my life!
I posted in a local moms group and asked how the other moms coped with daily life, stuck at home with their children? I love my children, don't get me wrong but even moms need some help to hold onto our sanity from time to time! That afternoon, I was introduced to Young Living and I had no idea how my life was going to change.
I signed up immediately and got my starter kit, knowing nothing of essential oils AT ALL! Once it arrived, I diffused like a maniac and fell in love with these crazy oils. Within weeks, I had noticed a difference in my emotions, stress, and general attitude. How could this be?! I wanted to know everything and began researching... Educating myself truly got me to where I am today. Once I started learning more and using my oils comfortably in our home, I started this blog to keep track of all the information I was gaining. All of my friends and family noticed a difference in me and began to ask questions. I couldn't keep these wonderful oils a secret so I began to share my findings! Then, I couldn't stop talking to anyone and everyone about Young Living Essential Oils and hosted my first class. I started learning about chemicals, and poor labeling laws in the US. I learned about how we are all unknowingly, slowly poisoning ourselves everyday and all of the terrible chemicals that we allow into our lives. I learned that there was more out there for me and my family and I truly wanted to do better for all of us. Young Living is not just about essential oils, they are a company that focuses on total health and wellness and they truly have changed my life.
This journey isn't even about oils or Young Living, it's about becoming a person with passion who lives their life to the fullest. It's about educating yourself and taking your own health into your hands. It's about what's best for you and your family and doing that everyday. It's truly about wellness, purpose, and abundance and I wish that for each and every one of you!
Take charge of your destiny, be your own health advocate, and live each day to the fullest. I want to help you change your life, and help make this world a better place, will you join me on this oily journey?
Amber Fortney
Young Living Member Number: 2146319
I posted in a local moms group and asked how the other moms coped with daily life, stuck at home with their children? I love my children, don't get me wrong but even moms need some help to hold onto our sanity from time to time! That afternoon, I was introduced to Young Living and I had no idea how my life was going to change.
I signed up immediately and got my starter kit, knowing nothing of essential oils AT ALL! Once it arrived, I diffused like a maniac and fell in love with these crazy oils. Within weeks, I had noticed a difference in my emotions, stress, and general attitude. How could this be?! I wanted to know everything and began researching... Educating myself truly got me to where I am today. Once I started learning more and using my oils comfortably in our home, I started this blog to keep track of all the information I was gaining. All of my friends and family noticed a difference in me and began to ask questions. I couldn't keep these wonderful oils a secret so I began to share my findings! Then, I couldn't stop talking to anyone and everyone about Young Living Essential Oils and hosted my first class. I started learning about chemicals, and poor labeling laws in the US. I learned about how we are all unknowingly, slowly poisoning ourselves everyday and all of the terrible chemicals that we allow into our lives. I learned that there was more out there for me and my family and I truly wanted to do better for all of us. Young Living is not just about essential oils, they are a company that focuses on total health and wellness and they truly have changed my life.
This journey isn't even about oils or Young Living, it's about becoming a person with passion who lives their life to the fullest. It's about educating yourself and taking your own health into your hands. It's about what's best for you and your family and doing that everyday. It's truly about wellness, purpose, and abundance and I wish that for each and every one of you!
Take charge of your destiny, be your own health advocate, and live each day to the fullest. I want to help you change your life, and help make this world a better place, will you join me on this oily journey?
Some of my favorite Young Living quotes!
We share from our hearts because we truly believe in the oils and experience results. [The] products sell themselves."
-Julie Inman, Young Living Silver Distributor
"I was so happy when I found Young Living's essential oils, because they work. My clients know they can count on me, and I know that I can count on Young Living products."
"I was so happy when I found Young Living's essential oils, because they work. My clients know they can count on me, and I know that I can count on Young Living products."
- Carol Pliska, Young Living Gold Distributor
"Success comes by loving people enough that you are focused on their success instead of your own. My goal is to help thousands of people earn sizable incomes and enjoy financial freedom and better health. I help people own their life."
-Jeffrey Lewis, Young Living Diamond Distributor![]()
"Sharing our stories with one another led to a growing community of friends; learning; care; and for many, an unexpected business venture."
-Sophie Ann Aoki, Young Living Platinum Distributor
"My dream is to be able to just sit around and play with my oils all day long."
"My dream is to be able to just sit around and play with my oils all day long."